SKE’s Xander Dunn has now achieved a coveted SAKAI 1st Dan [Shodan]
It is with enormous pride that we can confirm that SPORT KARATE EAST has a new SAKAI Association Black Belt. Xander Dunn was awarded this from Sensei David M Coulter MBE, 8th Dan and our Assistant Chief Instructor Mr. Kris Coulter 6th Dan, on Saturday, 30th November 2019 at our Hunbu [Head Quarters] in Kilmarnock.
The SAKAI Black Belt Grading is a rite of passage, it was both physically and mentally challenging for Xander, but the reward at the end was PRICELESS. In addition, too Kihon, Xander had to perform 44 different combinations not in sequence from memory, 9 Kata’s individually and in a group, a written exam against the clock, and at the end of all of that, he had to fight over 30 Kumite matches.
Xander’s SHODAN [First Dan] is very important to SPORT KARATE EAST, his 1st Dan basically means that Xander has mastered the fundamental techniques of karate along with the psychological and mental development necessary to make his karate effective.
Xander’s first and foremost responsibility is to train. A First Dan has just started their journey. Part of the growth process that occurs in karate is just plain old everyday hard work that goes with doing something over and over again until one gets really good at it.
Achieving the rank of a First Dan Black Belt is hard, really hard! Most people just don’t stick with it. Our experience shows that less than one percent of all the people who try karate ever make it to First Dan. So, congratulations on achieving your first step on the ladder of what we hope is a lifelong karate journey, enjoy your achievement and keep training hard.
Congratulations Xander you did yourself proud!